Lowongan kerja TV

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Wednesday, December 30, 2009 | Published in

PT Cipta TPI merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa penyiaran televisi di Indonesia, dan merupakan stasiun televisi pertama yang mendapat izin penyiaran secara nasional. PT Cipta TPI menampilkan citra Indonesia yang dapat dinikmati oleh seluruh keluarga. Program-program yang sangat Indonesia inilah yang mampu mengantarkan TPI sebagai stasiun televisi papan atas Indonesia. Sebagai salah satu Televisi Swasta berskala Nasional yang sedang berkembang, TPI memberikan kesempatan untuk bergabung mengisi posisi sebagai :

1. Producer
Kualifikasi :
- Laki-laki/Perempuan
- Pendidikan Min. D3 Semua Jurusan
- Diutamakan memiliki latar belakang pengalaman sebagai Producer/Production Assistant di Production House atau Televisi
- Kreatif, Good interpersonal skill
- Teliti dan cerdas dalam hal budgeting

2. Assistant Producer
- Laki-laki / Perempuan
- Pendidikan Min. D3 Semua Jurusan
- Usia Max. 27 tahun
- Diutamakan memiliki latar belakang pengalaman sebagai Production Assistant di Production House atau Televisi

3. Talent Coordinator
- Diutamakan berpengalaman dalam posisi yang sama
- Memahami proses produksi program acara tv
- Relationship building, stress tolerance, negotiation skill, teamwork

4. Photographer/Graphic Art
- Laki-laki 25 – 30 tahun
- berpengalaman min.2 tahun
- Lulusan D3 – S1

5. Multimedia

- Min. D3 dari universitas terkemuka
- IPK Min. 2.80
- Berpengalaman min.1 tahun di bidang yang sama
- Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
- Flexible, dynamic
- Able to work as a team
- Familiar with Multimedia Software: Macromedia Flash, After Effect, 3Ds Max, Photoshop CS3

6. Techinal Support dan TOC
- Laki-laki 22-24 Tahun
- D3 Elektronika/S1 Elektronika
- Fresh Graduate/Berpengalaman max. 2 Tahun
- kemampuan dlm computer base (hardware/software), teknik jaringan, control devices by PC/Software

Kirimkan lamaran & CV beserta foto terbaru ke:
recruitment.tpi@gmail.com (tuliskan kode posisi sbg subjek email)

atau via pos ke :
Jl Pintu II, TMII, Pondok Gede, Jakarta Timur-13810
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses.

Lowongan Kerja Finance, Sales, Account Manager, Technical Support di Qwords.com Web Hosting

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | | Published in

Kesempatan Berkarir di Qwords.com Web Hosting
Finance Supervisor (FV-QW) (1 lowongan)
* Wanita maksimal 29 tahun
* Berpenampilan Menarik & berkepribadian baik, ramah serta komunikatif
* Pendidikan minimal D3, Fresh Graduate diizinkan melamar, diutamakan yang berpengalaman.
* Belum menikah dan memiliki motivasi kerja, kejujuran dan ketelitian tinggi
* Mengerti pengoperasian komputer dan aplikasi Internet
* Mampu menggunakan aplikasi Office & aplikasi keuangan akuntansi & perpajakan
* Mengerti dunia Internet dan IT lebih disukai
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris diutamakan
* Dapat bekerja dalam tim dan dibawah tekanan
* Disukai yang memiliki kendaraan sendiri
* Lokasi Kerja di Bandung
Account Manager (AM-QW) (2 lowongan)
* Wanita / Pria maksimal 29tahun
* Berpenampilan Menarik & berkepribadian baik, jujur, ramah, attraktif, komunikatif dan kreatif
* Pendidikan minimal D3, Fresh Graduate diizinkan melamar.
* Belum menikah dan memiliki motivasi kerja yang tinggi
* Mengerti pengoperasian komputer dan aplikasi Internet
* Mampu menggunakan aplikasi Office
* Mengerti dunia Internet dan IT, terutama web dan jaringan internet
* Berpengalaman dalam Bidang Jaringan dan Teknologi lebih diminati
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris diutamakan
* Dapat bekerja dalam tim, dibawah tekanan dan memiliki jaringan yang luas
* Disukai yang memiliki kendaraan sendiri
* Lokasi Kerja 1 di Jakarta & 1 di Bandung
Sales Field (SF-QW) (2 lowongan)
* Wanita / Pria maksimal 29tahun
* Berpenampilan Menarik & berkepribadian baik, jujur, ramah, attraktif, komunikatif dan kreatif
* Pendidikan minimal D3, Fresh Graduate diizinkan melamar.
* Belum menikah dan memiliki motivasi kerja yang tinggi
* Mengerti pengoperasian komputer dan aplikasi Internet
* Mampu menggunakan aplikasi Office
* Memiliki kemampuan di bidang Internet dan IT, terutama web, aplikasi, jaringan, server
* Berpengalaman dalam Bidang Jaringan dan Teknologi lebih diminati
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris diutamakan
* Dapat bekerja dalam tim, dibawah tekanan target dan memiliki jaringan yang luas
* Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (SIM C)
* Lokasi Kerja 1 di Jakarta & 1 di Bandung

Technical Support (TS-QW) (3 lowongan)

* Wanita / Pria** maksimal 28 tahun
* Berpenampilan Menarik & berkepribadian baik, ramah, komunikatif dan kreatif
* Pendidikan minimal D3, Fresh Graduate diizinkan melamar.
* Belum menikah dan memiliki motivasi tinggi
* Memahami sistem berbasiskan linux & Windows, dan web server
* Disukai yang memahami web 2.0 dan pemrograman (SQL, php, python, perl, rails, .NET)
* Memiliki kreativitas dan motivasi kerja yang tinggi
* Dapat bekerja dalam tim dan dibawah tekanan
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris diutamakan
* Memiliki ketelitian tinggi & sanggup bekerja dalam shift (Pagi / Sore / Malam** wanita hanya pagi atau sore saja)
* Disukai yang memiliki kendaraan sendiri
* Lokasi Kerja 2 di Bandung, 1 di Jakarta

Kelengkapan yang harus di kirimkan oleh pelamar :

  • Foto terbaru 4×6 (minimal) berwarna, dan wajah tampak jelas, tidak diedit
  • Data pendidikan terakhir (jika dilengkapi dengan surat keterangan dari kampus lebih baik)
  • Curriculum Vitae yang lengkap (Biodata, telepon, foto kopi KTP, riwayat pendidikan, riwayat pengalaman)
  • Surat motivasi lamaran
  • Surat keterangan bebas Narkoba

Lamaran dapat dikirimkan dalam bentuk digital (format .doc / .rtf / .pdf) atau bentuk cetak, proses wawancara akan dilakukan di Bandung / Jakarta, sesuai dengan tempat tinggal terdekat dari applicant

Lamaran ditujukan kepada:

HRD Qwords.com Web Hosting

Jl.Cisitu Lama no.48

Bandung 40135 Indonesia

email : hrd@Qwords.com

Lowongan Kerja di TPI

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Sunday, December 27, 2009 | Published in

PT Cipta TPI merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa penyiaran televisi di Indonesia, dan merupakan stasiun televisi pertama yang mendapat izin penyiaran secara nasional. PT Cipta TPI menampilkan citra Indonesia yang dapat dinikmati oleh seluruh keluarga. Program-program yang sangat Indonesia inilah yang mampu mengantarkan TPI sebagai stasiun televisi papan atas Indonesia. Sebagai salah satu Televisi Swasta berskala Nasional yang sedang berkembang, TPI memberikan kesempatan untuk bergabung mengisi posisi sebagai :

1. SOP officer
Job Desc: Melakukan interview, mapping dan membuat SOP
- Usia: 27 – 33 tahun
- Pengalaman min.1 tahun (diutamakan berpengalaman membuat SOP di bank/kantor auditor)
- Pendidikan S1 IT (software)/Akuntansi (diutamakan komputerisasi akuntansi)
- teknis : mampu membuat flowchart, mengerti sistem aplikasi, communication skill, smart, good analytical thinking, dan teliti

2. Strategic Planning Staff
- laki-laki max. 27 tahun
- S1 lulusan statistik dari universitas negeri terkemuka
- IPK Min 2,80
- Good analytical thinking

3. Research Staff
- S1 lulusan statistik/matematika/psikologi dari universitas negeri
- diutamakan memiliki pengalaman melakukan penelitian kualitatif
- IPK min. 2,80
- Usia : max. 27 tahun
- Memiliki kemampuan presentasi yang baik

4. Account Executive
- Min 25 Tahun

- Bachelor’s degree any major (Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply)

- Computer literate

- Excelent Communication skills (presentation, negotiation)

- Good looking, attractive, flexible, dynamic, good networking

- Bisa bekerja dengan target dan di bawah tekanan

Bagi yang berminat, kirimkan lamaran & CV beserta foto terbaru ke:

recruitment.tpi@gmail.com (tuliskan kode posisi sbg subjek email)

atau via pos ke :
Jl Pintu II, TMII, Pondok Gede, Jakarta Timur-13810
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses.

Vacancy as COOK HELPER in Villa Sayang Boutique Hotel Spa (Lombok)

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Tuesday, December 22, 2009 | Published in

Villa Sayang Boutique Hotel & Spa in Lombok is currently looking for urgently as below :

Cook :
1. Male or Female
2. willing to work in Lombok (preferable domicile in Lombok)
3. Holding minimum D3 degree (preferably majoring in hospitality industry)
4. Having minimum 2 years F&B experience
5. Good looking, good communication and good interpersonal skill
6. Speak English fluently

Cook Helper :
1. Male or Female
2. willing to work in Lombok (preferable domicile in Lombok)
3. Holding minimum D3 degree (preferably majoring in hospitality industry)
4. Having minimum 1 year F&B experience
5. Good looking, good communication and good interpersonal skill
6. Speak English fluently

Please send us the CV with your latest photo & salary to the following email address villasayang@yahoo.com

Staf ahli laboratorium

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Sunday, December 20, 2009 | Published in

Lab Klinik Paradise, sebuah grup perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang laboratorium membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk menduduki posisi :

Staf laboratorium
Penempatan : Sulawesi

Persyaratan :
a. Pendidikan min. Lulusan Sekolah Menengah Analis Kesehatan (SMAK)
atau Lulusan D-3 Analis Kesehatan
b. Pengalaman/Non Pengalaman
c. Usia max. 35 tahun
d. Laki-laki/Perempuan
d. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris min. pasif
e. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer

Fasilitas :
- Transportasi ditanggung oleh perusahaan
- Jenjang karier
- Biaya cuti di tanggung oleh perusahaan setiap tahunnya
- Gaji Nego

(NB: Lulusan dari jurusan lain harap tidak melamar)

Kirim Lamaran ke :
Jl. Dr. Suharso No. 97
Besusu Barat-Palu timur 94111
Telp. 0451-451490, Fax. 0451-452490
atau :
email : hrd@paradiselab.co.id
website : www.paradiselab.co.id

Lowongan Kerja IT Jakarta PT Teknologi Riset Global

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | | Published in

PT Teknologi Riset Global commenced the development on broadband technology
in 2006 and launched its product, “TRG WiMax”, to the market on late April
2008. PT Teknologi Riset Global is now one of the local vendor for WiMAX in
Indonesia and keeps focusing on research and development of BWA equipments
with full supports from R&D resources.


PT Teknologi Riset Global commenced the development on broadband technology in 2006 and launched its product, “TRG WiMax”, to the market on late April 2008. PT Teknologi Riset Global is now one of the local vendor for WiMAX in Indonesia and keeps focusing on research and development of BWA equipments with full supports from R&D resources

Responsibilities : to design & test digital HW.
Requirements :
• Minimal bachelor degree of electrical engineer / physica engineering / instrumentation physics from reputable university
• Proficient in digital HW design: circuit design and PCB layout
• Proficient in digital HW simulation and test
• Experience in using CAD, such as: protel, allegro, eagle, etc.
• Experience in designing digital hardware
• Able to work under pressure and working with less supervision
• Strong analytical and problem solving skills
• Proactive and results oriented
• Willing to travel
Please submit your application, CV (please give detail description of skills & experiences in HW design project), and recent photograph To : career@trg.co.id (Max 1Mb)
(Please put code on the subject of your e-mail
PT Teknologi Riset Global commenced the development on broadband technology in 2006 and launched its product, “TRG WiMax”, to the market on late April 2008. PT Teknologi Riset Global is now one of the local vendor for WiMAX in Indonesia and keeps focusing on research and development of BWA equipments with full supports from R&D resources

Responsibilities : to program & test network protocol software.
Requirements :
• Min Bachelor Degree of Informatics / Computer Science / computer engineering / electronics from reputable university
• Proficient in TCP/IP concept
• Proficient in SNMP protocol
• Proficient in network programming concept
• Proficient in Programming Language: C, Java (especially in Linux environment)
• Proficient in script programming
• Able to work under pressure and working with less supervision
• Strong analytical and problem solving skills
• Proactive and results oriented
• Willing to travel
Please submit your application, CV (please give detail description of skills &
experiences in programming), and recent photograph To : career@trg.co.id (Max 1Mb)
(Please put code on the subject of your e-mail)

PT Teknologi Riset Global commenced the development on broadband technology in 2006 and launched its product, “TRG WiMax”, to the market on late April 2008. PT Teknologi Riset Global is now one of the local vendor for WiMAX in Indonesia and keeps focusing on research and development of BWA equipments with full supports from R&D resources

Responsibilities : to design & test analog HW.

Requirements :
• Minimal bachelor degree of electrical engineer / physics engineering / instrumentation physics from reputable university
• Proficient in analog HW design: circuit design and PCB layout
• Proficient in analog HW simulation and test
• Experience in using CAD, such as: protel, allegro, eagle, etc.
• Experience in designing analog hardware
• Able to work under pressure and working with less supervision
• Strong analytical and problem solving skills
• Proactive and results oriented
• Willing to travel
Please submit your application, CV (please give detail description of skills & experiences in HW design project), and recent photograph To : career@trg.co.id (Max 1Mb)
(Please put code on the subject of your e-mail)
PT Teknologi Riset Global commenced the development on broadband technology in 2006 and launched its product, “TRG WiMax”, to the market on late April 2008. PT Teknologi Riset Global is now one of the local vendor for WiMAX in Indonesia and keeps focusing on research and development of BWA equipments with full supports from R&D resources

Responsibilities : to program & test software of protocol implementation at data-link layer).
Requirements :
• Minimal Bachelor Degree of Informatics / Computer Science / computer engineering / electronics from reputable university
• Proficient in TCP/IP concept
• Proficient in programming concept
• Proficient in Programming Language: C, C++ (especially in Linux environment)
• Proficient in script programming
• Proficient in OS concept
• Familiar with Linux OS work-flow
• Experience in programming in the kernel space level
• Experience in developing embedded system software
• Able to work under pressure and working with less supervision
• Strong analytical and problem solving skills
• Proactive and results oriented
• Willing to travel
Please submit your application, CV (please give detail description of skills & experiences in programming), and recent photograph To : career@trg.co.id (Max 1Mb)
(Please put code on the subject of your e-mail)

Lowongan Kerja PT BUMA (SLTA/D3/S1, 26 Desember 2009)

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Tuesday, December 15, 2009 | Published in

Kami merupakan salah satu perusahaan kontraktor tambang batubara terbesar di Indonesia yang mengelola 11 site, memiliki reputasi yang baik di bidang pertambangan dan mempunyai komitmen yang kuat di bidang safety, health and environment, operation, engineering dan pengembangan SDM serta pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal. Bagi para tenaga-tenaga profesional dan terlatih, PT. BUMA memberikan kesempatan berkarier untuk posisi-posisi berikut:

    logo BUMA


1. SHE- Section Head (SHE-1)

  • Pengalaman min. 5 thn pada posisi yang sama di Pertambangan

2. SHE – Officer & Jr. Officer (SHE-2)

  • Pengalaman min 2 thn pada posisi yang sama di Pertambangan

3. Paramedic / Health Officer (SHE-3)

  • Memiliki pengalaman / fresh graduate

Kualifikasi Umum:

  • Usia max. 45 thn (1), max. 35 thn (2), max. 30 thn (3)
  • Pendidikan min. D3 (sernua posisi)
  • Familiar dengan OHSAS 18001 & ISO 14001 (1, 2)
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di jobsite (Kalimantan) (semua posisi)


1. Operation Manager Area. (Prod-1)

  • Pengalaman min.8 thn di bidang Operasional Tambang

2. Production-(Superintendent (Prod-2)

  • Pengalaman min. 5 thn di (Prod-6) bidang operasional Tambang
  • Menguasai Fleet Management & pengetahuan operasional Alat-alat berat

3. Tyre Engineer (Prod-3)

  • Pengalaman min. 3 thn di bidang Tyre Alat Berat
  • Menguasai Cost Analysis Tyre

4. Production – Supervisor & Foreman (Prod-4)

  • Pengalaman min. 4 thn di bidang Tambang
  • Menguasai Fleet Management & pengetahuan operasional Alat-alat berat

5. Tyre – Foreman (Prod-5)

  • Pengalaman min. 3 thn di bidang Tyre Alat Berat
  • Menguasai operasional & teknikal Tyre Alat-alat Berat

6. Operator Alat-alat Berat

  • Pengalaman min 2 thn sebagai Operator Alat-alat Berat di tambang batu bara (dibuktikan dengan sertifikat pelatihan, SIMPER & surat pengalaman kerja)
  • Memiliki SIM B2

Kualifikasi Umum

  • Pria (semua posisi)
  • Usia max. 35 thn (2,4,5), max. 38 thn (6), max. 40 thn (3)
  • Pendidikan min. S1(1), min SLTA/ sederajat (2,3,4,5,6)
  • Bersedia ditempatkan dijobsite (Kalimantan) (2,3,4, 5,6)


1. Engineering – Superintendent (Eng-1)

  • Pengalaman min. 5 thn di bidang Engineering Tambang

2. Mine Planning Engineer (Short – Long Term) (Eng-2)

  • Pengalaman min 3 thn di bidang EngineeringTambang
  • Menguasai Software Mine Planning & Design, Scheduling & Mine Operation

3. Cost Estimator (Eng-3)

  • Pengalaman min 3 thn di bidang Cost Control / Estimator untuk aktivtas Tambang

4. Drilling & Blasting – Engineer (Eng-4)

  • Pengalaman min. 3 thn di bidang Drilling & Blasting
  • Memiliki KJL& KIM

5. Geologist (Eng-5)

  • Pengalaman min. 5 thn sebagai – Geologist Tambang

Kualifikasi Umum:

  • Pria /Wanita (1,2,3,5), Pria (4)
  • Usia max. 35 thn (semua posisi)
  • Pendidikan Si Pertambangan / Geologi / Sipil (1,2,3, 5), min. D1/sederajat (4)
  • Bersedia ditempatkan dijobsite (Kalimantan) (semua posisi)


1. Operation Internal Audit – Officer (IAS-I)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn pada bidang yang sama

2. IT. Audit – Officer (IAS-2)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn pada bidang yang sama

3. Financial Internal Audit – Officer (IAS-3)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn pada bidang yang sama

4. Quality Assurance Internal Audit – Officer (IAS-4)

  • Pengalaman min. 3 thn pada bidang yang sama

5. Internal Quality Audit – Officer (IAS-5)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn pada bidang yang sama Menguasai ISO 9001

6. QMS Advisor (IAS-6)

  • Pengalaman min. 5 thn pada bidang yang sama

7. Risk Management – Officer (IAS-7)

  • Pengalaman min. 3 thn pada bidang yang sama

8. Project Auditor (IAS-8)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn pada bidang yang sama

Kualifikasi Umum:

  • Usia max. 35 thn (1,2,3,4, 5, 7,8), max. 40 thn (6)
  • Pendidikan S1 Informatika (2), S1 Akuntansi (3), S1 Akuntansi/ Manajemen /Teknik Industri/Pertambangan / Geologi/Teknik Mesin / Statistik (1,4, 5,6,7,8)
  • Bersedia ditempatkan sesuai penugasan di Jobsite (Kailmantan) (semua posisi)


Business Development – Officer (BD)

  • Usia max. 35 thn
  • Pendidikan min. S1 Teknik Sipil / Pertambangan / Geologi / Hukum
  • Pengalaman min. 5 thn sebagai Business Development di bidang Tambang
  • Menguasai MS Office & Bahasa Inggris (Skor TOEFL min. 550)


1. Plant – Area Manager (PLT-1)

  • Pengalaman min. 5 thn di bidang Maintenance Alat berat skala besar

2. Plant – Maintenance Development & Planning Manager (PLT-2)

  • Pengalaman min. 3 thn di bidang pengelolaan & perencanaan Alat-alat berat

3. Maintenance Planner – Officer (PLT-3)

  • Pengalaman min. 3 thn sebagai Planner Alat Berat

4. Track, Wheel & Dump Truck – Supervisor & Foreman (PLT-4)

  • Pengalaman min. 5 thn di bidang Maintenance Alat-alat Berat

5. Plant – Instructor (PLT-5)

  • Pengalaman min. 4 thn sebagai Instruktur Alat-alat Berat

6. Track, Wheel & Dump Truck Mechanic (PLT-6)

  • Pengalaman min. 1 thn sebagai Mekanik Alat alat Berat
  • Memiliki sertifikasi pelatihan Alat-alat Berat

7. Electrician A2B (PLT-7)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn di bidang Elektrik Alat-alat Berat
  • Lebih disukai memiliki sertifikasi di bidang elektrik

Kualifikasi Umum:

  • Usia max. 35 thn (1,2,3,4,5,7),max. 30 thn (6)
  • Pendidikan min. S1 (3,5), min. D3 (1,2), min. SLTA/sederajat (4,6,7)
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di jobsite (Kalimantan) (3,4,5,6,7)


1. Finance – Foreman (Fin-1)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn di bidang finance
  • Penempatan di Jobsite (Kalimantan)

2. Treasury – Officer (Fin-2)

  • Pengalaman min. 3 thn di bidang Banking

3. Insurance – Officer (Fin-3)

    Pengalaman min. 3 thn di bidang Insurance

4. Inventory – Officer (Fin-4)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn di bidang yang sama

5. People Development – Section Head (Fin-5)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 tahun di bidang People Development

6. Tax – Officer & Jr. Officer

  • Pengalaman min. 1 thn di bidang Tax
  • Memiliki sertifikat pelatihan Alat-alat Berat

7. Account Payable – Officer & Jr. Officer (Fin-1)

  • Pengalaman min. 1 thn di bidang Account Payable
  • Lebih disukai memiliki sertifikat di bidang elektrik

Kualifikasi Umum:

  • Usia max. 35 thn (1,3,5), max. 30 thn (2,7), max. 27 thn (4,6)
  • Pendidikan min. D3 (2, 7), D3 Ekonomi (1), D3 Akuntansi (6), S1 Ekonomi (3), S1
  • Akuntansi (4), S1 Akuntansi / Manajemen (5)
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di jobsite (Kalimantan) (3,4,5,6,7)


1. Procurement – Analyst & Jr. Analyst (MM-1)

  • Pengalaman min. 1 thn sebagai analyst
  • Mengerti legal & kontrak, menguasai Bahasa Inggris

2. Fuel – Analyst (MM-2)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn sebagai analyst
  • Memahami cara handle fuel
  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn di bidang yang sama

3. Analyst Programmer – Officer (MM-3)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn di bidang yang sama
  • Menguasai Bahasa lnggris
  • Lebih disukai yang menguasaiVB. Net dan ASP.Net

4. People Development – Section Head (MM-4)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn di bidang People Development

5. Logistics – Foreman (MM-S)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn di bidang logistic
  • Memahami Inventory, Warehouse dan Distribusi

6. Fuel – Foreman (MM-6) bidang logistik

  • Memahami cara handle fuel

Kualifikasi Umum:

  • Usia max. 35 thn (4). max. 30 thn (1, 2, 3, 5, 6)
  • Pendidikan min. S1(2, 3,4), mi. D3(1,5,6)
  • Menguasai MS Office
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di jobsite (Kalimantan) (5,6)


1. Performance Analyst (MD1)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn sebagai Performance Analyst
  • Memahami proses tambang, maintenance management & logistics management (diutamakan)

2. Project Secretary (MD-2)

  • Pengalaman min. 2 thn sebagai Project Secretary
  • Memahami basic knowledge Document Control & POCA

Kualifikasi Umum:

  • Pria /Wanita, Usia max. 30 thn
  • Pendidikan min. S1 Teknik Industri (1), min. D3 Teknik Industri/Akuntansi (2)
  • Bersedia ditempatkan sesuai penugasan di Jobsite (Kalimantan) (semua posisi)


  • Wanita, Usia max. 35 thn (diutamakan status single)
  • Pendidikan min. D3 Akademi Sekretaris atau yang relevan Pengalaman min. 3 th sebagai Sekretaris
  • Berpenampilan menarik, ramah dan komunikatif
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (Lebih disukai juga menguasai Bahasa Mandarin)
  • Mampu Mengoperasikan Komputer
  • Mempunyai kemampuan dalam Filing Management
  • Sanggup bekerja di bawah tekanan

Seluruh pelamar wajib memiliki NPWP & hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan akan diproses. Kirimkan lamaran & CV paling lambat 26 Desember 2009 dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar pada amplop surat atau sebagai subject email ke:

PO BOX 3636/PLUS / JKB 11036

Email: bukitmakmur@gmail.com

Lowongan Kerja Telkom Jogja Axis

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | | Published in


We are a progressive and dynamic mobile services operator seeking to expand aggressively in Indonesia. We invite highly talented, dedicated and passionate professionals to be part of a very dynamic and challenging environment.

Direct Sales Manager (DSM) – Yogyakarta

Job Requirements:
· Min. Bachelor Degree.

· At least 5 years experience in Telecommunication Industry or the Finance/Banking Industry.
· Fluent in English, both oral and written.
· Strong in analysis and conceptual thinking.

· Good Leadership (planning, monitoring, evaluating, coaching and counseling)
· Good reporting skill, presentation skill
· Have excellent skills in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word.

Job Responsibility:
· Seek and identify opportunities and capturing new business from the communities
· Build and win the new prospect communities including estimated realization of the sales target plan
· Manage, Maintain and develop existing communities to ensure deliverables, scope and customers satisfaction
· Able to achieve sales target according to the sales plan
· Clearly communicate the product portfolio being offered by AXIS
· Lead, Guide and manage direct sales team and ensure that we achieve the sales target
· Compile and prepare sales project report, ensure accuracy of data report and on time submission

· Regularly visit the communities and employ a consultative selling approach to ensure success in achieving sales target

send application and CV (max.200 KB) to:

Please ensure to put your job title and preference location (city) in the subject of the email
( Example: DSM – Yogyakarta)

Lowongan Kerja Kantor Berita KBR68H, TempoTV, Green Radio

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Wednesday, December 9, 2009 | Published in

Kelompok media penyiaran yang independen, melayani hampir 700 radio dan 25 televisi lokal, menantang Anda untuk bergabung dengan tim yang sedang berkembang pesat.

1. Manajer Pengembangan Bisnis (MPB)
Usia 30-35 tahun
Pernah bekerja di marketing perusahaan radio minimal 5 tahun
Mempunyai networking di industri radio dan pengiklan
Mampu mengembangkan bisnis dari jaringan radio

2. Marketing Executive
- Green Radio (ME-GR)
- KBR68H (ME-KBR68H)
- Tempo TV (ME-TTV)
Wanita/Pria, usia maksimal 27 tahun
Berpenampilan menarik
Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
Memiliki minat di bidang marketing, lebih diutamakan yang mempunyai pengalaman marketing radio dan marketing agency
Kreatif dan inovatif
Menguasai wilayah Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi)
Memiliki SIM A/C
Sanggup bekerja keras, disiplin, jujur, dan siap bekerja dengan tim
Khusus untuk ME-GR: berminat pada isu lingkungan

3. Staf Promosi
- Green Radio (SP-GR)
- KBR68H (SP-KBR68H)
Wanita/Pria, usia maksimal 27 tahun
Visioner, Kreatif dan inovatif
Pendidikan S1, lebih diutamakan jurusan komunikasi/PR
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Design Grafis)
Khusus untuk SP-GR: berminat pada isu lingkungan

4. Editor (ED)
Usia maksimal 30 tahun
Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di bidang jurnalistik
Menguasai editing artikel sesuai kaidah bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar
Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas terutama dalam green issue
Mahir menerjemahkan Inggris-Indonesia

5. Reporter (REP)
Usia maksimal 27 tahun
Mempunyai pengalaman menulis, reportase, dan kemampuan siaran akan menjadi nilai tambah (lampirkan hasil karya)
Sanggup bekerja pada hari libur

6. Video Jurnalis (VJ)
Wanita/Pria, usia maksimal 27 tahun
Mampu mengoperasikan kamera video
Mampu mengedit video/audio
Mampu menulis naskah
Diutamakan pengalaman jurnalistik 1 tahun
Menguasai bahasa Inggris

7. Produser (PDR)
Usia maksimal 30 tahun
Memiliki latar belakang copy writing untuk radio program
Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman jurnalistik
Kreatif dan inovatif

8. Penyiar (PYR)
Pria/Wanita, usia 24-27 tahun
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)
Memiliki wawasan dan ketertarikan tentang isu lingkungan hidup
Memiliki pengetahuan media/jurnalistik
Memiliki pengetahuan dan ketertarikan pada musik

9. Staf Personalia (PERSO)
Pria, Usia maksimal 30 tahun
Pendidikan S1 Psikologi
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)

10. Staf Program Kerjasama (PK)
Usia maksimal 27 tahun
Mengikuti perkembangan isu-isu nasional
Terampil berkomunikasi di depan publik
Kreatif dan inovatif
Sanggup bekerja sendiri maupun team
Mempunyai pengalaman menulis dan yang pernah atau bisa siaran akan menjadi nilai tambah (lampirkan hasil karya)

11. Staf Pajak (PAJAK)
Pria, usia maksimal 27 tahun
Pendidikan minimal D3 Pajak
Mengerti jurnal akuntansi
Menguasai perpajakan
Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Sanggup bekerja keras, disiplin, jujur, dan siap bekerja dengan tim

12. Sekretaris dan Traffic Administrasi (SEK)
Wanita, Usia maksimal 30 tahun
Pendidikan minimal D3 Sekretaris/Administrasi
Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun sebagai sekretaris
Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris aktisf (lisan dan tulisan)
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)
Mampu menghandle administrasi dan pengarsipan

13. Resepsonis (RESEP)
Wanita, Usia maksimal 27 tahun
Mengerti dasar-dasar customer service
Berpenampilan menarik
Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik

14. Pengembangan Akses Informasi (PAI)
Pria, usia 30-35 tahun
Mampu menangani proyek pendirian radio di daerah terpencil
Bersedia ditugaskan dan tinggal sementara di daerah terpencil
Pengalaman LSM/pernah aktif di daerah terpencil atau daerah bencana
Syarat-syarat Umum

Menguasai bahasa Inggris
Pendidikan S1 (MPB, SP-GR, SP-KBR68H, ED, REP, VJ, PDR, PYR, PK, PO) dan D3 (ME-GR, ME-KBR68H, ME-TTV, RESEP)

Kirimkan lamaran beserta CV dengan mencantumkan kode lamaran yang diinginkan. Lamaran diterima paling lambat 14 Desember 2009.

Lamaran dikirim ke:
Jl. Utan Kayu No. 68H Jakarta 13120

Lowongan kerja PT Sigma Cipta Caraka

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Sunday, December 6, 2009 | Published in

Sigma Community are a market leader in providing information technology solutions, with more than 20 years of experience in delivering complex, mission critical systems to Indonesia and global markets. To support our rapid business development, we are looking for the following resources:

I.VB Programmer – (Banten – Bumi Serpong Damai)


* At least a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology
* Must have commercial experience in using VB 6 and/or .NET
* Possess fair knowledge of Oracle database, PL/SQL and MS SQL
* Preferable having good knowledge in Banking or Multifinance Business.
* Fresh graduate are encourage to apply.

II.RPG Programmer Trainee – (Banten – Bumi Serpong Damai)


* At least Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology or equivalent.
* Strong analytical and problem solving skills.
* Self motivated, independent, team player and quick learner.
* Good command in English.
* Must be willing to be trained and work in Bumi Serpong Damai.
* After passing our training program, you will work in Sigma as a contract employee for at least 2 years.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* 8 Full-Time position available.

III.Fresh Graduate – (Banten – Bumi Serpong Damai)


* At least a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology or equivalent.
* Must be willing to work in Bumi Serpong Damai.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.

IV.Purchasing Officer – (Banten – Bumi Serpong Damai)


Supporting other business units in sourcing and buying goods or services.


* Must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical/Electrical, Industrial Engineering or Information Technology.
* At least 2 years of working experience as purchasing officer in IT or manufacturing industry.
* Possess good knowledge of buying Mechanical/Electrical and IT equipment (hardware, software and network)
* Strong negotiation skill.
* Proficient in English (verbal and writing).
* Applicants must be willing to work in Bumi Serpong Damai.
* 2 Full-Time positions available.

If your qualifications meet our requirement please send your resume to :recruitment@sigma.co.id

Lowongan kerja PT Djarum Indonesia

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Wednesday, December 2, 2009 | Published in

We are the leading manufacturer of kretek in the world. For more than 50 years, we have delivered high-quality kreteks to ensure our customer satisfaction. Our well known brands, such as Djarum Super, Djarum Black and LA Lights, are sold in numerous countries and already become international best sellers. Our success comes from diverse array of highly talented people who are fueled with passion for performance, dedication and being consistently innovative. Our environment is all about teamwork, integrity and mutual respect.

We are searching for people with shared passion, dedication and values to join our team as:

I.Quality Management Staff (Code: QMS) – (Jawa Tengah – Kudus)


* Quality Management System Staff is responsible for developing and auditing company quality system procedures to the required standard. This position is responsible for working with Lead Auditor in documenting and reporting non-conformance(s). You might be eligible for this position if you have bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering or Chemical Engineering from reputable universities with GPA of more than 3.0. This position is based in Kudus, Central Java.

II.Business Unit Service Staff (Code: BUS) – (Jawa Tengah – Kudus)


* We urgently need some personnel to support the use and exploitation of IT applications and systems in the company. You will be assisting IT users in their use of IT applications and helping them troubleshooting any difficulties. You will also have to contribute to the development and installation of new systems. In order to be seriously considered, you need to possess a bachelor degree from well-known universities with GPA of 2.8 or above. You must be professionally able to utilize PC platform and its applications, especially Windows XP professional suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access). Willingness to extensively travel throughout our sites nationwide is mandatory. This position is based in Semarang, Jakarta, or Kudus – Central Java.

III.Marketing Research (Code: MR) – (Jakarta Raya)


* Our marketing researchers are to develop research method such as create questionnaires, interview target market and analyze data. They also need to have strong quantitative and analytical skills. Those who hold a bachelor degree in Statistic/Psychology from any reputable university with GPA more than 2.75 are encouraged to apply for this position. Candidates must also be willing to extensively travel throughout our sites nationwide. Preferences will be given for those who have strong basic knowledge in statistics. This position will be based in Surabaya.

IV.Creative Brand Promotion (Code: CBP) – (Semarang, Jakarta)


* Candidate will be placed in our Marketing department and will be responsible to create and design our promotion activities. Candidates who apply require a bachelor degree from Multimedia or Marketing from reputable university with GPA of more than 3.0. This position will be based in Semarang or Jakarta

PT Djarum Indonesia
Jl Aipda K S Tubun 2c no 57 Jakarta 11410.

Job vacancy for PT Alfatama Inticipta

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Sunday, November 29, 2009 | Published in

I.R&D Laboratory Officer – (Jawa Tengah – Semarang)


* Candidates must possess at least a Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Chemistry
* Working Experience : 2 years or more as a R&D laboratory officer at a paint/coating related company
* Specializing in DECORATIVE COATING
* Male/Female 25-35 years old
* Self-motivated, hardworking, ability to work under pressure
* Creative, initiative and anticipative

II.Technical Sales Executive – (Jawa Tengah – Semarang)


* Bachelor Degree (S1)
* Working Experience : 2 years or more (diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman di perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang cat/coating)
* Pengetahuan dan pengalaman di bidang coating : automotive, wood dan decorative coating
* Male/Female 25-35 years old
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Semarang dan bersedia untuk dikirim ke kota-kota besar di Indonesia untuk provide technical support kepada customers.
* Self-motivated, hardworking, ability to work under pressure
* Excellent communication skill (English-speaking applicant is preferred)

III.Sales Executive – (Jawa Tengah – Semarang)


* Bachelor Degree (S1)
* Working Experience : 2 years or more (diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman di perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang cat/coating)
* Male/Female 25-35 years old
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Semarang dengan area kerja daerah Jawa Tengah
* Self-motivated, hardworking, ability to work under pressure
* Excellent communication skill (English-speaking is preferred)

IV.QC Officer – (Jawa Tengah – Semarang)


* Candidates must possess at least a Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Chemistry
* Working Experience : 2 years or more as a QC officer at a paint/coating related company
* Male/Female 25-35 years old
* Self-motivated, hardworking, ability to work under pressure
* Creative, initiative and anticipative

Those who are capable of doing the job and have consistency towards innovation and expansion, please send us your resume (application), expected salary and self-portrait to :

PT Alfatama Inticipta
Kawasan Pangkalan Truk Genuk Blok AA 45-47
Semarang, 50116
Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Or e-mail to :

Lowongan kerja PT CG Power Systems Indonesia

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Wednesday, November 25, 2009 | Published in

We are one of leading multinational company in power transformers. Our group operates in five continents with sales turn over more than USD 1.5 billions. Due to business expansions & to increase our services in Indonesia, we invite professionals & dynamic person to fill the position of:

I.Project Manager – (Jawa Barat – Cileungsi – Bogor)


* Represent Company in all aspects of Contract completion.
* Receive Contract documentation from Sales Support/Area Sales Manager and execute project to completion of obligations.
* Liaise with Design Engineer in meeting technical requirements, including documentation submission.
* Attend Kick off Meetings and or Design Review Meetings as required under Contracts.
* Facilitate client and or client representatives for factory visits and inspections.
* Prepare commercial scheduling based on issuing of deliverables.
* Make necessary clarifications originating from technical or commercial requirements. .
* Co-ordinate the submission of Performance Bonds, Production Schedules and Drawing Lists.
* Monitor the production planning and report regularly on progress and or issues to client.
* Provide other deliverables as required under Contract, such as Shipping Release, etc.
* Organize additional contract services, such as delivery and site assembly services in conjunction with Sales Manager / Country Representative as necessary under Contract.
* Initiate and follow up on the issue of bonds and invoicing.
* Follow up and ensure the completeness of Contract Completion, including any certificates to be issued by client and or sub contractor.
* Review completeness of, and submit to client, project documents.
* Clarify technical queries and / or questions from Design Engineer with the customer, acting as contact point.
* Ensure that the full scope of supply within the contract is covered.
* Ensure approval drawings are submitted and approvals received.
* Monitor and take corrective action on client requests or remarks.


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Engineering (Electrical/Electronic), Engineering (Industrial), Engineering (Mechanical), Engineering (Mechatronic/Electromechanical) or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): project management, Microsoft Project.
* Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
* At least 8 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Cileungsi – Bogor.
* Preferably Project Managers specializing in Electrical / Power Project
* 3 Full-Time positions available.

II.Procurement / Buyer – (Jawa Barat – Cileungsi – Bogor)


* Execute Purchase of materials.
* Managing and Controlling of inventory level.
* Find an alternative supply.
* Supplier development.
* Communicate with Engineering/ requestor and also with the supplier during procurement stage of those external components and control protection materials.
* Good understanding on the product and process.
* Execute the procurement in the project environment, means limited time frame, competitive markets, difficult source, narrow bargaining situation.
* Good understanding on the process.
* Resolve commercial matters, outstanding payment to suppliers etc and to communicate with Finance department.


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Engineering (Electrical-Power), Engineering (Mechatronic/Electromechanical) or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): SAP application.
* Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field , specialy in transformer manufacturer.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Cileungsi – Bogor.
* Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Procurement for Engineering – Electrical or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.

III.Test Bay Engineer – (Jawa Barat – Cileungsi – Bogor)


* Verify the readiness of the transformer for testing.
* Performing routine test the transformer.
* Performing temperature rise test.
* Performing the separate source test, induced test, impulse test and partial discharge test.
* Performing the noise test, zero sequence impedance, FRA and other special test when requested.
* Generate the test results.


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Engineering (Electrical-Power), Engineering (Mechatronic/Electromechanical) or equivalent.
* Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
* Applicants must be willing to work in Cileungsi – Bogor.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* 3 Full-Time positions available.

Excellent career prospect and an attractive remuneration scheme commensurate with experience and ability will be offered to the right candidate.

Please submit your comprehensive resume to:

Lowongan kerja PT Agel Langgeng

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Sunday, November 22, 2009 | Published in

Once firmly established in coffee industry,
Kapal Api Global decided to diversify its line
of business
into candy industry.

I.Technician (Kode: Tech) – (Jawa Barat)


* Male
* Maximum age 28 years old
* Hold Associate (D3) Degree from Electrical Engineering
* Fam

II.Personnel Admin (Kode: PA) – (Jawa Barat)


* Female
* Maximum age 28 years old
* Hold Associate Degree (D3)
* Familiar with computer and administration

III.Area Sales Promotion Supervisor (Kode: ASPS) – (Lampung / Jambi)


* Male
* Maximum age 35 years old
* Hold Bachelor Degree from Economy / Management
* Familiar with computer
* Have experiences to handling Sales, SPG & promotion in consumer goods
* To be placed at Lampung or Jambi

IV.Operational, Planning, & Budgeting Supervisor (Kode: OPBS) – (Jawa Barat)


* Male/Female
* Maximum age 35 years old
* Hold Bachelor Degree from Accounting or Industrial Engineering
* Familiar with computer
* Have experiences with planning & budgeting

V.Sales Representative (Kode: SR) – (Yogjakarta & Jabotabek)


* Male
* Maximum age 30 years old
* Hold min Associate Degree (D3)
* Familiar with computer
* Have experiences to handling SPG & promotion
* To be placed at Yogjakarta & Jabotabek

Please send your CV to email address:

Lowongan Kerja Bank Jakarta: Bank ANZ

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Thursday, November 19, 2009 | Published in

ANZ is accelerating is why we are creating a unique climate of inspiration, leadership, values and the growth of its business in Asia. ANZ realises that our greatest asset is our people. That great opportunities that will enable the best in market to thrive as part of our diverse team.

Business Process Performance Analyst

Major Responsibilities

This is an ideal role for a strong business analyst looking to progress in a fast paced business environment. The purpose of this role is to deliver statements of work (SOWs) for the build-out of the business process inventory in Indonesia. To deliver this the Business Process Analyst takes accountability & responsibility for completing activities in the scope of each SOW to the required standard & quality, on time, and within budget.

Activities cover the work breakdown structure (WBS) required to deliver completion of all the stages of the business process maturity model, although some specialisation in activities and subject matter areas would be expected. You will ensure completion of WB activities undertaken to the required standard as established in the WBS, achieving sign off of deliverables from relevant stakeholders of the business. These relate to process value delivery, documentation and process risk management. To complete the activities the analyst is expected to work closely with subject matter experts and users in the respective business units and operations worked within.


The successful candidate will have a minimum experience of 1-4 years as an Analyst with a working knowledge of SAS or Vbase and MACRO, an understanding of IT and Business terminologies and an adequate knowledge of regional process management. You are expected to be highly numerate and analytical, possessing strong customer service ethics, as demonstrated by a proven ability to collaboratively work with business customers and technical partners. Good communication skills, particularly in English are essential. A proven track record in successful and timely delivery of in-country projects and conducting business relevant workshops is desirable.

This is an opportunity to undertake a role offering exceptional opportunities for professional development with a broad range of career paths.

Due to regulatory requirements, this role is only open to Indonesian nationals.

“Valuing everyone between A aNd Z”

If you receive this advertisement through job boards, please apply through www.anz.com/indonesia, quoting ref.no. JAK 100469

Job vacancy for PT Rhodia Manyar

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | | Published in

We are an established MNC located nearby Surabaya with Chemical Manufacturing & Export Sales oriented, hereby open excellent opportunities for the following positions:

I.Staff Finance (SM) – (Jawa Timur)


* S1 in Finance Accounting
* 1 Years working experience
* Male/Female between 24 – 30 years old
* Able to understand English passively
* GPA 3 minimal from reputable university

II.Staff Maintenance (SM) – (Jawa Timur)


* S1 in Mechanical / Electro Engineer
* 3 Years working experience
* Good skill in handling heavy plant equipment preferably for Manufacturing Industry
* Male not more than 35 years old

III.Technical Sales Manager (TSM) – (Jawa Timur)


* S1 in Chemical / Pharmacy
* 5 years Sales / Marketing experience especially for Chemical Product
* Willing to Travel both Domestic and Overseas
* Mastering in English & Preferably Mandarin
* Managerial skill and Overseas exposure are advantages
* Male not more than 40 Years old

IV.Asst QCA Manager (QCA/AM) – (Jawa Timur)


* Male/Female not more than 40 Years old
* S1 in Chemical / Pharmacy with 5 years hands-on experience at the similar level
* Able to operate Lab Chemical Equipments
* English & Mandarin Literate
* Strong Leadership is a necessity

V.QCA Manager (QCA/Mgr) – (Jawa Timur)


* Male/Female not more than 40 Years old
* S1 in Chemical / Pharmacy with 5 years hands-on experience at the similar level
* Able to operate Lab Chemical Equipments
* English & Mandarin Literate
* Strong Leadership is a necessity

Please send your complete application to the following emails
P.O. BOX 169, Gresik (61101)


Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | | Published in

PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) was established in Bandung on February 5, 1958, originally called Bank Bank Pegawai Pensiunan Militer (BAPEMIL) with the status of business associations as entities that receive deposits and provide loans to its members. BAPEMIL aims to help ease the economic burden of retirees, both military and civilian. We are looking for professional candidates experienced in banking industries to fill the position:
Personal Banker – Jakarta & Bandung (Code: RB-RFB-F0000)

* Male / Female
* Maximum age 35 years
* Minimum S1 from any discipline with GPA min 2.75.
* Have a minimum of 3 years experience in selling funding products in banking industries or financial institutions.
* Have good communication skills, advantage in Mandarin and English
* Able to work both independently and in team
* Willing to be placed in Jakarta and Bandung

Internal Auditor – Micro Business (Code: SK – MBA – 400)

* On-site activities of Micro Banking Audit in accordance with company standards.
* Conduct audit activities, reporting and prepare recommendations.
* To provide recommendations and objective information to improve the effectiveness of internal control systems in Micro Banking business processes.


* Hold a bachelor degree from any major.
* At least 3-5 years total experience as an Internal Audit in banking is a must, or financial institution.

Please send your complete CV with the latest photo to :
Please enter the job code in the subject email
(Nb. Only candidates who meet the qualifications will be processed further)

Lowongan Receptionist untuk Wanita Lulusan SMK D1 Jakarta

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Wednesday, November 18, 2009 | Published in

A Heavy Equipment foreign company, urgently need:



1. Female, max 23 yo

2. Education background SMK – D1 (higher education background is not allowed)

3. Minimum 1 years experience

4. Good communication in verbal

5. Though and energic

Please send CV and the latest photo, before 30 November 2009 to:


Lowongan di Combiphar

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 | Published in

PT.COMBIPHAR, an aggressive pharmaceutical company are seeking high caliber & result-oriented individual to fill the position as :

Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Minimum 2 years experience, and experience in pharmaceutical industry is an advantage
•Having good knowledge in pharmaceutical industry and its distribution process

•Computer literate and having a good report skill
•Interest in working outdoor, under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision
•Mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team

Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Degree with major in Accounting from reputable university
•Experience in manufacture industry are preferred
•Familiar with SAP R3 or above are advantage
•Minimum 2 years experience in related area
•Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team

Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university, graduated from any major
•Having experienced as Supervisor in Pharmaceutical Company minimum for 2 years
•Excellent in communication,networking and leadership skills
•Having driving license (SIM A)
•Selected candidate will be placed to all our branches throughout Indonesia

Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 29 years old
•Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university from any major
•Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
•Having interest working with target
•Having good communication and intrapersonal skill
•No complaints of working with long hours
•Having own motorcycle and its license (SIM C)
•Selected candidate will be placed to all our branches throughout Indonesia

Forward your CV and put your job code with current photograph, maximum 2 weeks from this advertisement and stated your expected salary, to:

Graha Atrium Building 15th Floor
Jl.Senen Raya 135
Jakarta Pusat

Or Email to :


Lowongan kerja PT Bali Towerindo Sentra

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | | Published in

I.Head of Regional – (Bali)


* Responsible for managed service in region, implement effective O&M and project processes, procedures and establish work standards to manage customer’s network effectively and efficiently.
* To prepare proposal budgeting, cost control, monitoring and implementation of regional maintenance.
* Responsible to coordinate all field related activities and faults concerning to transmission, network & facility as well manage regional operation team activities, performance and KPI achievement.


* Male, minimum age 30 years old and maximum 45 years old.
* Minimum Bachelor Degree in telecommunication / electrical engineering or related.
* Have min 5 years of working experience in managerial level and similar industry.
* Excellent English oral and written.
* Working independently and strong teamwork.
* Has strong in depth problem analysis, conceptual thinking and a swift decision maker.
* Excellence interpersonal, communication skill and have service attitude.
* Very broad, technology solution based, project management experience and significant success across a range of projects, organisations and technologies.
* Strongly preferred; certified in one of the mainstream project management certifications.

II.Accounting Supervisor – (Bali)


* Responsible for the company overall financial activities, taxation and audits, budget and forecast, cash management, invoicing & collection, financial reporting, set by both internal and external requirements.
* Ensure all the finance and accounting transactions are properly recorded.
* Ensure company’s assets are properly recorded , in good condition and maintain movement of the assets.
* Liaise with banker, KPP and relevant authorities when necessary.


* Male, minimum age 25 years old and maximum 30 years old.
* All candidates should possess a recognize S1 degree in Accounting, with minimum GPA of 3.00/4.00 or above.
* Have 4 years of working experience.
* Experience in handling budget & strategy planning preparation and assets management.
* Experience in a full cycle of accounting process.
* Excellent English Oral and Written.
* Working independently and strong teamwork.
* Has strong in depth problem analysis, conceptual thinking and a swift decision maker
* Excellence interpersonal and communication skill

III.Operation Manager (OP) – (Bali)


* Responsible for managed service in operasional, implement effective O & M processes, procedures and establish work standards to manage customer’s network effectively and efficiently.
* To prepare proposal budgeting, cost control, monitoring and implementation of operasional maintenance.
* Responsible in the Department including all the progress report and schedule planning work.


* Male, minimum age 30 years old and maximum 40 years old.
* Minimum Bachelor Degree in telecommunication / electrical engineering or related.
* Have min 3 years of working experience in managerial level and similar industry.
* Excellent English oral and written.
* Working independently and strong teamwork.
* Has strong in depth problem analysis, conceptual thinking and a swift decision maker.
* Excellence interpersonal, communication skill and have service attitude.

We offer a competitive salary and benefits package and the professional advantages of a dynamic environment that supports your development and recognizes your achievements.

Education Level: Bachelor Degree
Job Function : Head Of Regional
Job Location : Bali
Job Type: Full Time
Salary : Nego
Work Experience : 5 Year(s)

Forward your comprehensive resume and CV to : oktolia@balitower.co.id

Or post them to:
Wisma Kyoei Prince 12 TH Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3
Jakarta 10220 – INDONESIA

Lowongan BUMN November 2009: Bank BTPN

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Monday, November 16, 2009 | Published in

We are looking for professional candidates experienced in banking industries to fill the position:

Personal Banker – Jakarta & Bandung

Male / Female
Maximum age 35 years

Minimum S1 from any discipline with GPA min 2.75.
Have a minimum of 3 years experience in selling funding products in banking industries or financial institutions.
Have good communication skills, advantage in Mandarin and English
Able to work both independently and in team
Willing to be placed in Jakarta and Bandung

Internal Auditor – Micro Business (Job Code : SK – MBA – 400)


On-site activities of Micro Banking Audit in accordance with company standards.
Conduct audit activities, reporting and prepare recommendations.
To provide recommendations and objective information to improve the effectiveness of internal control systems in Micro Banking business processes.


Hold a bachelor degree from any major.
At least 3-5 years total experience as an Internal Audit in banking is a must, or financial institution.

Please send your complete CV with the latest photo to:


Please put job code RB-RFB-F0000 in subject column.

Only candidates who meet the qualifications will be processed further

Lowongan Lulusan S1 di PT TOTAL Oil Indonesia

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Wednesday, November 11, 2009 | Published in

PT TOTAL Oil Indonesia, an affiliate of TOTAL Group France, focusing in downstream area, is now looking for Finance Executive and Accounting Executive to join our F&A team.

The requirements for both positions are:

1. Bachelor degree in Accounting
2. 6 months or 1 year experience in relevant area
3. Meticulous and love to work with details
4. Eager to work
5. Good team player

Please note, that these posts are temporarily available via third party, hence the employment status will be under the appointed third party.

Should you feel that you fit the job, you may forward your resume by e-mail to Magdalena.NAIBAHO@totaloil.co.id by putting your preferred post as the subject of your e-mail.

Lowongan Bank HSBC November 2009

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | | Published in

Lowongan kerja di bank HSBC untuk november 2009 dengan beberapa posisi sebagai berikut:

Call Center for HSBC



à Female/Male (single/married)

à 20-36 y/o

à min. D3 (experienced preferable)

à English Active is a MUST

à Good Personality and attitude

à Discipline and Hardworker

àAble to work by shifting hours

à Training & Skills Development

à Award Certificates

à Basic Salary + Allowance (app. 1.8 milion)

à Great Carrier Path

à Annual Domestic & overseas Trip

Business Unit Banking Officer for HSBC

à Female/Male (single/married)

à 20-35 y/o

à Min D3 (sales experienced is preferable)

à Good Looking

à Good Communication Skill

à Good Personality & Attitude

à Discipline and Hardworker

à Able to work in a team and any circumstances

à Training & Skills Development

à Award Certificates

à Basic Salary + Allowance (1.2 -1.8 milion)

à Bonus plus Commission

à Great Carrier Path

Direct Sales Representative for HSBC

à Female/Male (single)

à 20-28 y/o

à Min. D3 (sales experienced is preferable)

à Posses own vehicle

à Good looking

à Good Communication Skills

à Good Personality & Attitude

à Discipline & Hardworker

à Able to work in a team and any circumstances

à Training & Skills Development

à Award Certificates

à Basic Salary + Allowance (app. 1.1 milion)

à Bonus + Commission

à Great Carrier Path

à Annual Domestic & Overseas Trip

Card Customer Service

à Male (single), 24-27 y/o

à Bachelor Degree from any reputable University

à min. GPA 2.9

à Strong Communication Skill & Good Looking

à Have ability in English, both oral and written

à Experienced as Customer Service is preferable

à Training & Skills Development

à Award Certificates

à Basic Salary + Allowance (app. 1.75 milion)

à Bonus + Commission

à Great Carrier Path

PFS Marketing Officer for HSBC

à Female/Male, max. 35 y/o

à Bachelor Degree from any reputable University

à Permanent Residence in Jabodetabek

à Have ability in English, both oral and written

à 1 year sales experience in banking, 2 years in other financial services or, 3 years in others industries (such as real estate or automotive)

à Own vehicles is preferred, but not mandatory

à Frontliners marketing type, confident with sales target or relevant network

à Training & Skills Development

à Award Certificates

à Basic Salary + Allowance (app. 1.8 milion)

à Bonus plus Commission

à Great Carrier Path

Please Sent your CV to :

(insert position in your subject)

Email : ocktaria@bss.co.id

Or bring to,

PT. Binajasa Sumber Sarana

Jl. Ampera Raya No. 5, Pejaten Barat, Kemang Jak-Sel

Phone : (021) 71 79 2222

Lowongan PMA: Senior Programmer Analyst

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | | Published in

We are Japanese Consumer Finance company, located in Sudirman area, currently looking for eligible candidate to fill this position below :

Senior Programmer Analyst (Code : Sr. Prog)


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
* At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Experience in JSP, JAVA, J2EE and using framework
* Having knowledge of web logic application server and oracle DB
* Experience in analyzing and designing web based application (Having experience in consumer finance would be an advantage)
* Hard worker, having leadership skill
* Able to work under pressure and minimum supervision


* Provide application maintenance support, including database application, server, back up and restore
* Lead in project development, assign tasks and oversee work of project members
* Responsible in delivering the projects conduct evaluation of the system and planning maintenance
* Responsible in providing project documentations and user manual

Please send your complete CV, Photograph and expected salary to :


Lowongan Migas Shell Indonesia

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Monday, November 9, 2009 | Published in

Royal Dutch Shell plc was established more than a hundred years ago in Indonesia. Today Shell is a global company operating in over 100 countries and regions throughout the world, and employing more than 102,000 people. Shell Indonesia has been established as one of the fastest growing lubricants, retail fuels and bitumen business in the country and has strong commitment to strengthen their presence significantly.

Shell Indonesia has received the Indonesia’s Most Admired Companies (IMAC) Award 2007 and 2008 for Oil & Gas category for its best Corporate Image, by Business Week Magazine and Frontier Consulting Group.

Assistant Marine Technical Advisor

* Possess First Class Certificate of Competency with Dangerous Cargo Endorsement (DCE), preferably has a minimum 5 years of relevant working experience in sea service on tankers, with at least 2 years’ as a Senior Officer. Ship Inspection Reports (SIRE) accreditation and/or Certified International Safety Management (ISM) Lead Auditor would be an advantage
* Knowledge of Health, Safety, Security, Environment (HSSE) processes and responsibilities, shipping operations, ship/shore interface management and ship vetting
* Previous exposure to Business Units in both the Downstream and Upstream would be an advantage
* Ability to initiate, analyse and develop proposals and solutions to a wide range of shipping & marine technical and operational issues
* Ability to manage and integrate with others in different functions/environments (culture, language, Business organisations)
* Although the nominal work pattern is standard office hours, the role requires to travel extensively domestically and beyond, and must be prepared to be on call outside these hours
* A valid visa or authorisation to work in Indonesia is required for this position

* Ensure that coastal vessels, including barges, are selected and operated in line with Group Standard for Quality assurance and industry accepted procedures
* Carry out audits of Marine Terminals used by the Business units within Indonesia and conduct Management Reviews of local ship Owners/Operators
* Contribute fully to shipping strategy work in-country, and monitor the relevant functional competences of Marine Terminal operating staff and promote/execute training where necessary
* Provide general shipping & marine support/advice to the Marine Terminals and Business units within Indonesia; monitor and advise on oil spill preparedness to ensure that Business units in-country comply with Multi-business Oil (and Chemical) and Spill Advisory Group (MOSAG) guidelines
* Provide specialist advice on HSSE risks relating to shipping and marine activities, and the effective monitoring of performance; provide specialist support in the event of local crisis and oil spill response and assist with the investigation/follow-up of shipping and marine incidents
* Promotion and integration of the Shell International Trading & Shipping Company (STASCO) Maritime Process Model throughout the Shell Indonesia business
* Represent Shell interests in shipping & marine issues with regulatory and port authorities, industry and other external bodies

Application Deadline: Thursday 19 November 2009

Number of Vacancies: 1

To Apply Online, Click here

Job vacancy for PT Bali Towerindo Sentra

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | | Published in

I.Accounting Supervisor – (Bali)


* Responsible for the company overall financial activities, taxation and audits, budget and forecast, cash management, invoicing & collection, financial reporting, set by both internal and external requirements.
* Ensure all the finance and accounting transactions are properly recorded.
* Ensure company’s assets are properly recorded , in good condition and maintain movement of the assets.
* Liaise with banker, KPP and relevant authorities when necessary.


* Male, minimum age 25 years old and maximum 30 years old.
* All candidates should possess a recognize S1 degree in Accounting, with minimum GPA of 3.00/4.00 or above.
* Have 4 years of working experience.
* Experience in handling budget & strategy planning preparation and assets management.
* Experience in a full cycle of accounting process.
* Excellent English Oral and Written.
* Working independently and strong teamwork.
* Has strong in depth problem analysis, conceptual thinking and a swift decision maker
* Excellence interpersonal and communication skill

II.Operation Manager (OP) – (Bali)


* Responsible for managed service in operasional, implement effective O & M processes, procedures and establish work standards to manage customer’s network effectively and efficiently.
* To prepare proposal budgeting, cost control, monitoring and implementation of operasional maintenance.
* Responsible in the Department including all the progress report and schedule planning work.


* Male, minimum age 30 years old and maximum 40 years old.
* Minimum Bachelor Degree in telecommunication / electrical engineering or related.
* Have min 3 years of working experience in managerial level and similar industry.
* Excellent English oral and written.
* Working independently and strong teamwork.
* Has strong in depth problem analysis, conceptual thinking and a swift decision maker.
* Excellence interpersonal, communication skill and have service attitude.

III.Head of Regional – (Bali)


* Responsible for managed service in region, implement effective O&M and project processes, procedures and establish work standards to manage customer’s network effectively and efficiently.
* To prepare proposal budgeting, cost control, monitoring and implementation of regional maintenance.
* Responsible to coordinate all field related activities and faults concerning to transmission, network & facility as well manage regional operation team activities, performance and KPI achievement.


* Male, minimum age 30 years old and maximum 45 years old.
* Minimum Bachelor Degree in telecommunication / electrical engineering or related.
* Have min 5 years of working experience in managerial level and similar industry.
* Excellent English oral and written.
* Working independently and strong teamwork.
* Has strong in depth problem analysis, conceptual thinking and a swift decision maker.
* Excellence interpersonal, communication skill and have service attitude.
* Very broad, technology solution based, project management experience and significant success across a range of projects, organisations and technologies.
* Strongly preferred; certified in one of the mainstream project management certifications.

We offer a competitive salary and benefits package and the professional advantages of a dynamic environment that supports your development and recognizes your achievements.

Education Level: Bachelor Degree
Job Function : Accounting Supervisor
Job Location : Bali
Job Type: Full Time
Salary : Nego
Work Experience : 4 Year(s)

Forward your comprehensive resume and CV to : oktolia@balitower.co.id

Or post them to:
Wisma Kyoei Prince 12 TH Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 3
Jakarta 10220 – INDONESIA

Lowongan kerja Benchmark Recruitment

Posted by : Billy Koesoemadinata | Sunday, November 8, 2009 | Published in

Our Client is an international Oil and Gas company with operations in more than 40 countries. In supporting their expansion, we are looking for talented Indonesian nationals to fill in the positions below:

I.Supervisor HDE & Road Maintenance – (Jakarta Raya)


• Minimum 8 years experience in road and HDE construction, with at least 5 years in a supervisory capacity.
• D3 or S1 in Civil Engineering from a recognized technical institution
• The person must be willing to work in a team environment and make the necessary commitments when required to help ensure that schedules and expectations are met in a timely manner.
• Demonstrable practical experience in HDE and road construction inspection and supervision.
• Strong leadership and interpersonal skills
• Ability to function with minimal day to day direct onsite supervision.
• High ethical integrity.
• Good Oral and Written English skills.
• Hard workers, warm personality and mature.
• Safe behavior.
• Ability to apply experience in practical and effective manner.
• Understand fundamental of teamwork.
• Knowledgeable with Computerized and Internet system
• Extensive experience Project management and facility construction.

II.Mechanical Specialist – (Jakarta Raya)

• Bachelor/Master of Science in Engineering or equivalent degree is preferred, or operations experience
• 10-20 years of oil and gas operations/maintenance experience
• The ability to understand/ comprehend the engineering product such as Basis of Design, facility layouts, P&ID’s, Cause and Effect Diagrams, etc.
• Basic understanding of major capital projects, previous experience on a major capital project is preferred
• Excellent communication skills both written and verbal
• Teamwork and effective collaboration
• Good understanding of risks and risk management
• Basic understanding of Operability Assurance and Operations Excellence programs

III.Supervisor Barging Operations – (Jakarta Raya)

• Engineering degree (S1) preferably in Chemical, Mechanical background and at least 5 years experience in Operations within Oil & Gas industry.

• A strong knowledge in Supervisory and Leadership qualities is necessary (Ability to coaching, mentoring, gives consulting/advisory and lead the team).
• Excellent leadership skill to lead and coordinate work with other department such as HSE, Operation, Engineering, Support Services and Government representatives
• Knowledge of barging operations operation , codes and standards is very desirable
• Good spoken, written and able to give presentation in English as well as ability to work in a multinational environment.
• Having knowledge in cost estimating and budgeting.
• Good understanding in basic business knowledge and procurement/contract process.

IV.Supervisor Support Service PSC Gas – (Jakarta Raya)

• Educational background: Mechanical Engineer with demonstrated leadership qualities.

• Minimum of 8 years diversified in engineering / maintenance, preferably in the gas plant side of the industry, including supervisory experience in the Project / Construction/Engineering areas with a minimum of 6 years experience in a supervisory position.
• Able to read, interpret on all engineering deliverables to ensure compliance with technical specifications.
• Experience project management and facility construction.
• Multidiscipline knowledge in construction especially in piping/fabrication, civil, structure, mechanical and inspection of industrial piping.
• Have engineering background and familiar with International Code/Standard such as; ANSI/ASME B31.3, B31.4, B31.8, API 650, API 1104, ASME VIII Div 1 / 2, etc.
• Having knowledge in cost estimating and budgeting.
• The position also requires that the candidate possesses basic business knowledge and a good understanding in procurement/contract process
• Must posses a high degree of analytical judgment and be capable of making frequent non-routine decisions. Operates autonomously under general guidance and in conformance with company goals.
• Understand fundamental of teamwork, be able to handle conflict management, and use diversity of a team effectively.
• Ability to coaching, mentoring, gives consulting/advisory, and leads the team.
• Speak and write good English as well as able to work and live with multinational environment
• Excellent leadership skill to lead multi discipline team and to coordinate work with other department such as SHEA, Plant Operation, Field Operation, Engineering, Support Services, Administration and Jakarta Supports Organization
• Knowledgeable with Computerized Management System.
• Understand fundamental of teamwork, be able to handle conflict management, and use diversity of a team effectively.
• Ability to mentor, gives consulting/advisory, and leads the team.
• Excellent communication and inter personnel skill to effectively interface with field production operation personnel, multidiscipline department and other supporting department
• Strong written and oral skills and in interpersonal style that is effective in both leadership and team roles
• Able to give presentation in English plus ability to use computer system software for i.e. Word / Excel / Power Point and Lotus Notes

V.Learning And Development – (Jakarta Raya)


* To make a collation of all the L&D programmes data across the group
* To evaluate and categorized all the L&D programmes data
* To identify the L&D gaps on a generic basis
* To review with each operating subsidiary activities, needs, L&D requirements and measurement
* to update the technology recording
* Train the trainers
* To develop new programme, including e-learning
* To manage internal and external L&D projects


* Bachelor’s Degree / Master’s Degree in Business Studies/Administration/Management, Human Resource Management or equivalent
* At least 10 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferably someone with similar industry background
* Excellent English communication skill
* The person will have to be a self starter and willing to handle basic data collation and evaluation

Only the very best will be considered for these positions. Address your application quoting appropriate reference number to:
Or simply visit www.benchrecruit.com
(Please keep files to less than 500k)